Saturday, December 26, 2009

When we're not on court...

beraya arah yumi

erm..nda kn ngantukkk??

makan2!! ambuyat itu!

oh yes im hungry!

titin & erma

nda cukup makanan kh mal ko buat muka mcm atu? hahhahahah


titin, war & yanie splashing sunday at the Empire

gendut kan? ahahahaahaha hai yan *wink*

hahahaha...anak siapa ini??!!! :P:P

Irrnie... Nov 2009

At the airport sending Irrnie off..
Group pic

Group hug dgn irrnie.. :'(

hehehe pjg kad yg kami ne buat

Nad showing off the card..heheh

a card especially made for Irrnie

Lej, Nad, Erma, Titin, Evom & War
yath kalu pasal makan ani nah yg nombor 1. yg baju biru atu lah.hahahhaha

bagus..makan2 nda karit.bagi2...

titn & lej

Sunday, December 20, 2009

BSRC Prize Presentation :D

Only 4 of us managed to come. and guess who's thereee?? YUMIIIIII :D :D ohh, she didn't play last week pasal she injured her ankle. okay, here are some of the photos. sikit saja ahh. thanks to Yanne NZ =)

mau jadi model kerita Yanne :D

hadiaaaah kamiiiii :D :D

this was before the prize presentation.

banyak gayaaaa.

nda semua lah kami dapat datang since ada yang jauh juaa. that's ittt !! thanks to those yang datang for the presentation. hehehe. okaaaay.


Saturday, December 19, 2009

BSRC Netball Tournament 13 Dec 2009

The One & Only team pic we took. Baju jersi baru. Lawa? ehehe

Ani tournament yang paling latest Uni joined in. Dengan 19 point, Uni dpt 2nd place. Sirion 69 1st & BSRC 3rd place. Uni dpt 1 seri, 1 kalah, 6 menang. And Uni jua ada 3 players baru, Neesa, Nani & Afie. Ani tournament drg yg 1st lah.
Without cIrn & Yumey, a bit payah utk susun line up on defending side but woww.. we'd make a great combo with Yanie, Amal and Titin on the defender side and War, Lej, Nad & Evom on the attacker side. the new players also play very well. Bangga jua dapat menundukkan team2 yg pernah pandang rendah arh Uni. Seperti apa yg kami selalu ckp, low profile saja yg penting sportsmanship. :D
So ani kami include kan gambar yg ada pada hari atu..tapi nda banyak lah salnya games padat nada sampat posing2..

The score sheet

Amal was in pain. jgn nangis mal ahhhhh...ehehheh *Uni vs Trimets 10-5

Apakah yang kami eski kan atu?? hmmmmm..

Yanie & titin helping out babu membuat sandwich di pagi hari..

the ball!!! *Uni Vs BSRC Honey 10-10
passing the ball to nad.. Uni vs Revival 9-8

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Piala Idris 7 & 9 Ogos 2009

Piala Idris was our 3rd participation. it was quite challenging as Revival and ABDB team were in our group. but we manage to get through to the semi finals. we won against ABDB by 1 point during the preliminary round and became the runner up in the group. ABDB still on the top of the group. during the semi we were against the police team. p nada rezeki.

Uni United tetap kebal.hehhee kalah menang adat permainan.. so ani some of the pics...saksikanlahhh....hahaha
posing ajeeee~


apa lagi neee~

Uni vs Prenext

Up Naddd!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Setia Motor 17 Mei 2009

Ani tournament yg ketiga Uni ikut. Nada rezeki tapi kami having fun lah. Senyum tetap maintain tanda sporstmanship yg tinggi *Chewahhhhhh~~ hehehe
kan berungkup th saja durg ani banar~
semua gambar kami mesti ada part makannya.. sadar kamu?? hehehehehhe
wardah bingung nda tau kn mkn apa.hahahah
semua tia kn pigang tangan..
amal, yumey, erma n amoy..
"giginya..!!" hahahaha
ani nah paling favourite kami kalu bkumpul arh wardah.. melalak teriak2.ahaha

KLZ tournament, Tutong 8 Mac 2009

This was the second tournament that Uni United joined in. During this tournament Uni using the 1st official jersy which was design by Yanie and was made by Aewon. The base colour is black with pink and blue. not that girly lahhhh~~ hahaha

Uni United won the 3rd place. yey! ehehehe so as usual i include some of the picture that we took on that day. happy viewing! (^^,)